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Are Marvel characters still popular?

With the huge success of its movies and TV shows, Marvel characters have never been more popular. Everyone has always known about Captain America, Spider-Man and Wolverine, however, lesser known heroes like Ant-Man, Black Widow and the Guardians of the Galaxy are now mainstream.

Who is the most impactful Marvel hero?

Daredevil Matt Murdock (aka Daredevil) is one of the most impactful heroes on our list. Not only is this blind hero just plain cool, but he also helped kickstart the trend of amazing Marvel series that we all enjoy today, thanks to the brilliant Netflix series Daredevil.

Is Captain Marvel still a likable character?

Captain Marvel is definitely right up there with the most powerful members of the Avengers, boasting cosmic abilities beyond those of the more earthbound heroes. But she’s also a likable character with a complex backstory involving both Monica and Maria Rambeau. There’s a sense with Carol that we’re still waiting for her definitive Marvel outing.

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